Ms.Yanling Chen, was awarded as the “All-Asia Best CFO in 2016” for the fifth consecutive time by the Institutional Investor Magazine

Company News

n July, Ms. Yanling Chen, the Executive Director, Vice President and CFO of CMS, won the 1st Place of “All-Asia Best CFO in 2015 (Overall) in Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry” by the Institutional Investor Magazine for the fifth time consecutively.

Besides, CMS’s Investor Relations Team won the 3rd Place of “All-Asia Best Investor Relation in 2016 from Buyer-Side in Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry” and the 2nd Place of “All-Asia Best Analyst Days in 2016 (Overall) in Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry” as well.

The Institutional Investor Magazine, with its headquarter in New York, is recognized as one of the world∮s most influential financial magazines. The 2016 survey of All- Asia Executive Team reflects the opinions from 1,394 investment professionals in 582 financial institutions. The respondents participating in this survey from the buyer-side collectively manage the Asia equities (exclude Japan market) in the total value of an estimated $600 billion USD. This is an annual investigation that can deeply reflect the opinions of analysts from both the buyer-side and seller-side. The result can provide a unique depth view for the Investor Relations Management of Asia companies.

The awards results reflect investors’ confidence in the management team of CMS and the company’s future healthy development as well. CMS will always maintain the effective communication with its investors, keep the transparent and timely information disclosure, enhance the corporate government structure, and improve its investor relations management systems so as to ensure all the shareholders interest in investing CMS.