CMS Charity | Protecting Exceptional Children, Creating a Better Future

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China Medical System Holdings Limited (“CMS”) persists in showing deep concern for exceptional children and has supported the sustainable development of rehabilitation centers through donations during the past two years. Meanwhile, we have witnessed that many exceptional children successfully integrated into regular schools and received compulsory education with the help of rehabilitation training, laying a solid foundation for their future integration into society and healthy growth.


With Children’s Day approaching, CMS again made donations to Shenzhen Nanshan Star Exceptional Children Rehabilitation Center and Shenzhen Nanshan Exceptional Children Care Center through Charity Association of Shenzhen Nanshan. The donation will be directly used for the procurement and renewal of teaching tools and toys in both centers, enhancing the children’s sense of gain, happiness, and security, as well as providing supports for creating good education atmosphere, encouraging outstanding teachers, and improving teaching quality.



At yesterday’s event, representatives of CMS interacted closely and established a strong bond with the children through toy distribution and handicraft making, expressed the most heartfelt Children’s Day blessings to them, and spent a pleasant and warm time together.


Previously, CMS also donated a batch of caring materials to the Shenzhen Social Welfare Service Guidance Center, continuously demonstrating its corporate social responsibility through public welfare activities.



CMS will devote continuous attention to social welfares in the future, actively carry out a variety of donations and visits, transfer love and care to exceptional children with actual deeds, and do our best to help their healthy growth.