China Medical System Holdings Limited (AIM:CMSH) is pleased to announce that 11th Academic Conference of Cardiology was held from 11 to 14 June 2009 in Dalian by Chinese Medical Association(CMA), during which the Heart Failure Group had the kick-off meeting for the compiling of the Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Heart Failure (AHF) (“the Guide“) and CMS sponsored this kick-off meeting exclusively.
Marketing Director of CMS Mrs. Manling Sa gave a speech during the kick-off meeting, expressing that CMS will provide full-length support for the compiling of the Guide. Fifteen opinion leaders in the field carried on spirited debates on the content of the Guide and the Brain Natriuretic Peptide(BNP) would be included in the Guide as the therapeutic drug for AHF, while XinHuoSu is currently the only BNP medication in China market. The Guide will be finalized in December 2009 and published on Chinese Journal of Cardiology in 2010, which will play an important guiding role in the diagnosis and treatment of AHF in China.