Together with Love | China Medical System Donates to Care for Exceptional Children

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Company News

On June 1st, the wonderful festival for children, the managing director and several employees of Shenzhen Kangzhe, a subsidiary of China Medical System Holdings Limited (“CMS”), visited Shenzhen Nanshan Star Exceptional Children Rehabilitation Center and Shenzhen Nanshan Exceptional Children Care Center, and sent sincere festival greetings to the children.

CMS made donations to these two exceptional children rehabilitation centers through Charity Association of Shenzhen Nanshan for the designated procurement of creative teaching tools, sports equipment, toys
and etc. During the visit, the representatives of CMS played games with the children to celebrate the Children’s Day together.

CMS has always cared for exceptional children, and has carried out several care visits and public welfare donations, hoping to make its own contribution to the healthy growth of exceptional children. Adhering to the core value of “value creation for customers and social responsibility fulfillment”, we will continue to pay attention and respond to the needs of our community, actively participate in various public welfare activities, to spread love and kindness and undertake corporate responsibilities.